If you would like to help us reach the lost in our community, if you would like to help us expand God’s Kingdom in our community, here is an easy way to do just that!!
Giving financially is a great way to help us feed the less fortunate and even help us get folks to rehab when they finally hit bottom. Your donation will help us be the light for Jesus in our community that God has called us to do!
Let’s advance the Kingdom together in Jesus’s name!
Thank you very much
Pastor Jason Mason (JayMay)
Ladies Bible Study Mondays at 6 pm
Mens Bible Study Tuesdays at 7pm
Made New Recovery Meeting 6 pm Thursday
Main Gathering 7 pm Saturday
Here At NYOC, our main purpose is to make Jesus Christ known and to be known by him. Let anyone who hears come, let anyone who thirsts come, let anyone who desires to drink freely from the waters of life come. Whosoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved.
113 SE 2nd st
Fairfield Illinois