Love God

Love People

Where the Gospel Message is Real, Raw and Relevant

Here At NYOC, our main purpose is to make Jesus Christ known and to be known by him. Let anyone who hears come, let anyone who thirsts come, let anyone who desires to drink freely from the waters of life come. Whosoever calls on the name of The Lord shall be saved. 


Founding Pastors Jason and Kimberly Mason

Our Church Story

In January of 2017, the Lord laid on my heart to start a church called Not Your Ordinary Church (NYOC).  I was very excited about this because I knew it was the Lord leading me. But at the same time, I was very nervous and a bit insecure. I just didn’t think I had it in me to pastor a church. So I ran from this calling. I ran and pursued other ministries that “I wanted to do”. Motorcycle ministry was what “I wanted to do” and that’s what I did, all along I knew this wasn’t what God had in mind.

So after a year and two different motorcycle ministries later I found myself at the end of what I could do on my own in ministry. The Lord gently reminded me that NYOC was my calling and that he would provide all that was needed to reach our community. That’s exactly what he did. This year we will celebrate 5 years of the name of Jesus being raised up and a whole lot of lives changed forever and many families restored!!

The Hearbeat of NYOC

What’s going on with the world? Have you ever just stopped and looked around and asked yourself this question?  Or you’re looking at yourself or your situation?  The Bible is a vast library of 66 books telling a true story about the world, humanity and God, about how they all relate to each other, a truth you may or may not yet know.  The truth that can set you FREE! It is the Holy Spirit inspired guide for instruction, wisdom and life. A guide for the restoration of our minds and shedding the corruption that current world offers. A guide for a reconciled life through Jesus to God that might be pleasing to Him. It is the Father’s love letter to us the GOOD NEWS of Himself and His works.

Mt 7:24–27, Mt 4:4, 2 Ti 3:15–17, Jas 1:22–27, Ro 12:1–2

Do you feel distant from God? Do the worries of the world drag you down?

How can we respond? The Bible tells us not to worry but to seek the Kingdom of God.

The Greek word for seek is anazeteo it means to seek carefully with the intent to find.

God wants this from us…active faith. He promises that if we seek, we will find and he offers his peace, strength, provision, hope, love and in short Him. But God requires we do so humbly if we seek to preserve ourselves, we will lose ourselves.  Seeking God is a surrender of our way, our truth and our life for the way, the truth and the life which is Himself. He’ll show you the path and it’s worth more than the riches of the whole world!

Mt 6:31–34, Dt 4:28–31 Je 29:11–13 Ps 119:9–16. Pr 3:61 Ch 16:10–11 La 3:21–27 Mt 13:44–46 Lk 11:9–13 Jas 4:4–10 Mt 16:24–27. Jn 14:6–7

Church!   It might surprise you to learn that the church is not a building, but a people set apart in the belief and worship of the Triune God (The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit). In the scriptures we can see the church to teach and be taught, encourage each other in love and actions. At salvation we are made a part of the body of Christ and for the body to perform we must come together for ministry to each other and to the outside world.  The word says that this is not optional this is a must to grow in maturity.  Like a building of living stones, the church needs you and you need the church with Jesus as the cornerstone of which we are all building on.

Ac 2:42–46, Heb 10:24–25, Heb 3:12–14,1 Co 12:12–31, 1 Pe 2:4–6.

What’s love got to do with it? Plainly the scriptures say God is love in the Greek agape, a benevolent and charitable love that seeks the best for the loved one. One cannot truly love without knowing God. God has proven His love for humankind in an intimate and sacrificial way and desires that from us. God wants His children’s love and adoration.  God also wants his children to get along.  He asks of us to be his hands and feat to do his works, to care for one another to love each other as He loves us…sacrificially. To make His love know to everyone. All of the commands of God can be summed up in this…. Love God, Love People.

1 Jn 4:7–10. 1 Co 13 Ro 5:6–8. Jn 3:16–17, Mt 22:34–40, Mt 28:16–20. Eph 4:2–3. Col 3:12–15.

Jas 2:1–26

Gathering Times

Ladies Bible Study Mondays at 6 pm
Mens Bible Study Tuesdays at 7pm
Made New Recovery Meeting 6 pm Thursday
Main Gathering 7 pm Saturday

Donations Help to Make This Happen

Help support our church, our staff, and our community.  We use your donations not only for our church but also to help those in dire needs.

Church Location

113 SE 2nd st
Fairfield Illinois

Open Directions Here

Fulfilling the Call to Love God and Love People